everything, well almost everything, of value has to be sought. the seeking is hard work. and every now and then, even harder, is to stop searching and let it come to you, whatever it may be.
'tis akin to walking a diamond field, one can wander and dig a little, pick a spot and dig a lot, or just roam and trust to luck. likely if one does any of the three long enough, they'll find something of sufficient value to justify the effort. even if it is finding nothing at all.
everyone gets to choose what fields they roam and eventually, as the sun begins to set, they'll experience the uniquely intense pressure of ignoring the many little diamonds in order to look faster and harder for the biggest reflecting rocks. such is the paradoxical value of deadlines.
but all the while, the hardest work of all is in recognizing the value of things, especially time.
16 August 2008
Everything of Value has to be Sought
. . . stephenhsmith - muleboy303 - 09:01
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