serfing, serfing USA ok, say they are dogs 4 waters white, black, heavy, clear drowning vs set on fire cui bono (war deficit $$$, stim deficit $$$ ??? values/judgment gift/the betsy
January 2009
"earthquake" in Vegas + benford's law favourite thing to do ? allowed in (eyes/ears/mind = stomach)
'crash course in Karma' = the Dale Earnhardt story.. the difference 'tween him and Lady Di? ... 'bout 40mph
"it's about time" play on words calendar and modernity's new imperatives - time now more valuable with so many ways to spend it and others wanting it (mostly to sell you something) +
FLEEbrews ? nadel, schrenker, madoff? why does judge let him go 'home' twice ? israel non-extradition law 1977
things "ownable" + the tragic undervaluing of predictability
joe mccaskill /james burke lessons
'tis the pretense that galls the most + an acute inability to compartmentalize
reinventing the weal (common)
December 2008
a contract is a promise, except when...
the parallel linear thread to 'manifest destiny' - unitary executive
coincidence or pattern ???
too big - "too" means ... tumor waistline panama canal coming american oligarchs natl/priv blowback boomerang creates 'circle of death, debt, and govt. contracts'
November 2008
...patturnwrecker (pattern recognizer) ...morally justifiable uses of the US military (1916-Villa 01-Afghanistan & ?) ...the Hurley Warning System : ) ... mccain war criminal twice 44 ...todo "because you're here" list
October 2008
.. silly crap tire gauge fist bump joe plumber paris hilton lipstick ayers suspension bitter wright 3am arugula whitey tape bowling breakfast nibbling budweiser pumas etc.
.. 'no perfect lap' & 'change one thing at a time...the Indy500 1971 principle
.. 'cooperation/partnership w/other nations is no longer a choice' BO which in context means one thing, but done to excess, as all public policy directions are always done, means another thing entirely (world government ?) 28oct.. public policy done to excess analogy (football, passing/running defense adjusts etc.) ... the rule of law = fundamental building block of trust in government ... one word election "discipline" (1 candidate had an astonishing amount, the other not) .. math/history/language = critical skills for governance.. 4 pillars of global economy oil,war,debt,lies .. confused + scared + angry = inoperable judgment .. experience for ONE shot, intelligence = full magazine .. pattern recog = human exceptional t4 is faith anti-pattern ? .. any war in modern history initiated taking more than 3 years to 'win' = lost ? .. natsec = energy/manufacturing independence t4 'why we not have' ? .. diff 'tween 'what u want' vs 'what works best' (not always choice) ... selling pet rocks in China ??? 6feb found.. being wanted vs being respected goodfeeling overrides disappointment morals of the future = labor/supply/demand eskimo/black death redux ?
September 2008
.. hurricanes/tornadoes/recessions = naturally.... + everyone's watching, then the audience judges ??? (alternative heaven?) + W took off like Challenger, landing like Columbia... + could've all been avoided in 2004 with a Pres. Kerry,bball,fball.. altered/ruined 4more "juice" (excitement, scoring, etc.) ... GSachs = Halliburton, Exxon, or ENRON ? ... "we're all Jimmy Stewart now" ... "illinois enema bandit" on wall street natdef, lawenforcement, courts, oversights, %schooling, %healthcare, etc. socialized : ) ... the ELF method (working very quietly) = anti-publicity to those who understand only "force" (negating "talking") ... the "tell" (iraq/maliki govt. surplus, then push to buy US built fighter planes = ) ... the "character" ledger ... and 62,040,610 ... issues/personality = candy/vegetables Y issues if they're lying ... bombs/shooting etc. is just "expedited, localized, extreme forms of 'sanctions'/condemnations ? .. bill/bern/wu risked as much or more as anyone who ever wore the uniform .. carseats, seatbelts,roevwade sovereignty over your own body ? .. if bristol is not really pregnant, then there must be a miscarriage.. when? .. age,sex,race more in campaign 2008 than ever before.. lookout .. moral authority doesn't mean we're better 'n u, but we try harder to do better than you
August 2008
... potato chips vs poetry (db gives me the bookend/hook..finally) .. in my life, only pres w/the slightest appreciation for morality = carter (& O?) look what done 2em .. the US copy of Israel's 'samson option' .. can, should, shouldn't - US/individuals ??? .. jeez louise versus robertson (preaching to choir's unintended consequences ?) .. 1st rule of running for President.. you can never tell the truth .. math/connections = quest for the obvious .. addictions analogy corollary .."if they act stupid/surprised... they're probably not" hamas election/georgia/katrina? etc. .. energy/sense reverse with age : ) .. surgeon/pilot such incompetence ONCE license revoked .. in Geopolitics there are only two conditions (turmoil & stability) relatively : ) .. the beginning of "deconsolidation" ...gas prices shoot up til buying curtails, then float down til buying resumes .. gmta update = why people like to have questions asked about them (opportunity to share/think alike/compare ...get paid to talk/write then get paid to shut up (ala Dan Yergin ?) .. the BIPOLARIZATION of MEMORIES (intense laughter and crying easily remembered, media filter ?) .. 1's and 0's from personal/other pov = curiously sexual connotations : ) ... the most wonderful words i've ever heard "Daddy, tell me a story" ... $227,471,706 *SOURCE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION DATA $255,934 ... caricatures (dems inaccurate/effective gop accurate/ineffective) .. known unknowns ? jumbojet crash, hurricane(s), copshootskid, worldleaderdeath .. president of the world ??? .. defining 'victory' in iraq (troops/bases/$$$/deaths) .. the value/tradeoff polls within the moe "the more one learns, the more embarrassing it becomes to be a human" shs (hate,loathing,disrespect=all crimes the state has no business trying to determine what combination of those factors induced someone to commit a crime, nor does the state have any business exacting different penalties for different assessments) shs .. they too said they were "Christians"... excused how ?? "the people in charge of the spotlight determine what gets seen" shs24july08 .. to a neocon, every well, govtcheck, ustroop deploy.etc. is a victory in ($, love, health, friends, talent, smarts...) ... electronic billboard, horserider/cellphoneFW :) .. tora bora/obl escape=fuckup not?
"now, most of my writing consists of writing lists of things to write". shs 11july08
2rite 2008
docfilm 10min film,photos,commentary, music allby 1 ---------- why would it be so bad (1wk or 2 receipt after order?) .. "the bombing list" .. how you spend (waste) your time is who you are ... "is the US at war?" (cic powers, vote projector, worth it tangents also) ... good govt is boring .. 3000 fixes 'what's one more'? .. with hor/sen majorities.. re: fisa ... Kos & Effect ??? (the humourless and hypersensitive, downsides of) ... teaching 'critical thinking' via humour & questions (socrates wouldabeen so proud) shs...the TRIANGLE = Fucking, Killing, Ruling ! ============ is BHO a "pig" ? ... Wpolls Iraqpolls, econ, $$raising = DEM WIN ... the 4 viruses isolationism, gold, anti-militarism, successful socialist state in sAmerica hrc = dreadnought/TANK ..OBAMA AEROPLANE WWI analogy escalating linear progression of imperial/unitary potus power hst/lbj 2 today then ??? afghan/wazir are already what US/Neocons argue Iraq would be if US forces pulled out. : ) diamonds (mining ton for .5 ounce) .. a chameleon's only shows his true colours in the dark (be himself).. killing fairytales.. video games = no message/time waster .. moral authority = greatest weapon ..... bottom up/top down/internet 2 campaign organize & govern (ala Reagan 'going over their (wash d.c.'ers) heads to speak directly to the american people... ) .... the hollow echo of the victory culture (american exceptionalism meets reality) IS IT TIME YET? FOR 'equality under the law' ?... 1. full citizens 2. pre-full citizens 3. non-citizens more male/female, black/white, etc. in US legal codes ? 3 measures = 1.cynical 2. balanced 3. idealistic ..... the value of re-stating the OBVIOUS ... policeman's greatest power is to NOT enforce a law=reporter/broadcaster's greatest power is to NOT report a story IMPULSES=WHAT % OF MISTAKES (50?75?90?) MORE IS LESS (more govt = less freedom) GMTA = THE ULTIMATE QUEST ??? holidays, music, movies, religion commercials etc. "LIKE" is cinematic language OUT EMOTE CONTESTS "family" 2000 years ago BRIGHT LINES DISAPPEARING =/ democracy & capitalism require ethics to work properly how u c others is grounded in how u c yourself the indescribable beauty of the blank page Electronic, Public, Interactive, RealTime, LTTE & Community Bulletins Page writing yourself an absolution/indulgence check ? make a friend of "ambiguity" shs"the more a person realizes their own personal limitations in controlling their immediate enviroment, the more inclined they become to belong to a larger group than can control others" (biz,church,team,country etc.) ============= SHITA's (SHut Ins Typing Anonymously) ... "there is a lot of valuable news and persuasive opinion to be found on the Internet. but you'll have to wade through a ton of SHITA to find it" shs 22july2008
goddamn pride is expensive... wars and football stadiums...
where have ya gone Mikhail Gorbachev = USAR (Union of Sovereign American Republics) our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
list (by POTUS) each dimunition/deviation from the USC of 1789
shs quote "for over 30 years i've successfully avoided ....... someone for the same reason i've not tried Heroin. i was afraid i would enjoy it so much that i could not stop once i started" ....also 'bubbles within bubbles' = bubble-popper = pointing out the obvious/which has much more value in an information overload enviroment.
groucho marx/daniel patrick moynihan (facts) trumped by BOR/FOX and Internet forums (cliques)
who's still alive update.. and what's coming in next 3 months list
cannot take compliments (why?) and 22Dec1973 ???
1HAND2THEOTHER LIST hst, hitler, churchill, ike, jfk, lbj, nixon, ford, carter, rr, 41, 42, 43, meyer lansky, otto kretschmer, f1's/indy (enzo ferrari, ferdinand porsche , h'wood, music, ????
"everything you do is a trade, which is why forethought and balance are so very important"
seeing yourself in a song is scarier than a car wreck shs 11july 08
"THE BOMBING REPORT" listing who blew up whom
"such things are not taught in schools, "truth" and "logic" are janitor's tools"
"art & history are two different ways of describing the same thing. both seek to explain and/or illuminate what individuals and then society deems important enough to warrant the effort" shs 17july2007
"immoral equivalency" = w/torture etc. fdr/internments wilson/palmer anarchists us./indians/philipinos
9july08.. "it is no accident that the rottenest sonofabitch in the Bush Administration is a former top lawyer from the transportation industry" (addington-ata) .. erie canal, american system/clay/whigs/lincoln/railroads...require govt 'eminent domain' power to grow rapidly = foundation of modern national-socialism "american"-style (up to = all consolidation has negative consequences) shs
shs12july2008 "the first tool in any power struggle/question to be mastered, especially in Modern American culture, is 'emotional blackmail' " = the fundamental flaw?
schieffer/rather =some folks require reassurance routinely. a 'booster shot' in order to keep themselves motivated to produce. some don't. while others will run helter-skelter over any all boundaries until made to stop, requiring not a single reassurance of "you're doing fine, keep up the good work", but instead a constant watchful eye and recalibrations of limits and directions.
the '78 FISA law was bad too also the different kinds of "intelligence" (booksmart, bodysmart, peoplesmart) also... "it's how i learn... argument" (sparked by applying objective terms onto subjective questions) plus.. 20somethings narcissues/exhibitionists etc..
famous hits 'n misses
"Hillary to be the 44th PotUS" - shs 1-20-07 (UMP says "Strike")
"We're gonna regret this" - shs' reaction to news of George H.W. Bush's election victory in Nov 1988 (UMP says "HOME RUN")-(out of the park, over the bay, ball found on the shore of Alcatraz) =============